StableComfort - Cushioned Stall Flooring System

StableComfort Cushioned Stall Mat System
StableComfort is a patented, waterproof, multi-celled cushioning stall mattress system. The cushioning created by this system is equivalent to at least 6 inches of bedding. Rubber-filled mattresses are placed wall-to-wall in the stall, topped with a durable, one-piece cover which is securely fastened to the walls, creating a full-coverage, waterproof, cushioned stall flooring system.
The StableComfort system offers numerous benefits over traditional stall mat products. The extreme cushioning that this system provides, greatly reduces or eliminates stocking up and hock sores. The risk of most musculoskeletal disorders, (MSD) is also greatly reduced.
The added cushioning improves comfort and helps to ensure that the horses obtain needed REM sleep. The 3" thick mattress create a thermal barrier, reducing arthritic joint discomfort. The one-piece moisture-proof cover is easy to clean while reducing dust and ammonia odors.
The StableComfort system can be used with any type of bedding. The moisture-proof cover and superior cushioning reduces the amount of bedding needed by as much as 80% while cutting daily clean-out times in half. Unlike multi-piece stall mat systems, a StableComfort equipped stall installation does not require periodic mat removal for cleaning and disinfecting.
The StableComfort system has been the leader in cushioned stall flooring technology for many years. This innovative design can be adapted to virtually any size stall. It can be installed over any flat subsurface. The non-abrasive, textured cover reduces the risk of slipping, even with snow-packed or wet hooves.
The StableComfort system is available in both standard and premium versions. The standard kits use multi-celled mats filled with uniformly sized recycled rubber crumb. StableComfort Premium adds a foam layer for increased cushioning and improved comfort. Both versions feature the same rubber-coated, waterproof top cover.
StableComfort products are made in Canada. They can be shipped anywhere in North America by common carrier. Up to three, 12' x 12' stall kits can be packaged onto a single pallet.
Links and Downloads
Technical Specifications
- StableComfort Technical Specifications
Cleaning & Maintenance
- StableComfort Cleaning & Maintenance